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This is a quick update, which provides fixing to the problems that are fixed in the first. This is a quick update, which provides fixing to the problems that are fixed in the first. in the reification of the past. The German speakers are clearly becoming angrier at the influx of foreigners and the German language is threatened. In the aftermath of this migrant mass-migration, the racist demagogues are exploiting fear as a reaction to the ongoing attack on the liberal state and on national sovereignty. The recent events show that the issue of national sovereignty must be addressed at all levels of the European Union, including the European parliament. Historical-revisionism Racism has been the main tool for the Nazification of the German state and the promotion of the development of fascism during the past century. Hitler is cited as the “political philosopher” of the German New Right, whose ideology still influences the “New Right” in the 21st century. The ideologues of the Nazi Party and the German New Right often claim that the word “fascist” should be dropped from history as they allege that there is no fascist movement in modern-day Germany. Yet, they claim that fascist ideology is a positive concept of the German state. The World Socialist Web Site condemns this claim and explains why it is not correct. In the 1930s, one of the main pillars of the Nazi state was the “school of Hitler.” The term “Nazi school” was used to refer to the Nazi educational institutions established in the 1930s, which were united around the principles of Nazi theory and used as a platform for the indoctrination of children. The Hitler Youth movement, the youth wing of the Nazi Party, was also organized into the “schools” in Germany and Nazi ideology was incorporated into school curricula. According to the statement released by the National Socialists, “the German Volk” was the “soul” of the Third Reich, and fascism is a necessity for the existence of the German nation. The “New Right” politicians claim that there is no fascist movement in modern-day Germany, but it is entirely incorrect to say that there is no fascist movement in Germany. The explicit manifestation of fascism is the party of Die Rechte, which calls itself “national-populist” and rejects multiculturalism. There are many other fascist and extreme-right parties that have appeared in recent

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